

Bordeaux Metabolome Facility hosts various types of projects and provides academic and industrial users with open access.
Our Facility contribution may be planned at the beginning of your project during the preparation of a research grant application or PhD or post-doctoral project, or later on during your research projects.
On your behalf, the Facility staff can collect and process your data. For some devices, the Facility provides approved users with hands-on access after training with Facility staff.

To access our services, initiate an R&D collaboration or access our equipement, an online access procedure is available for Metabolome, Lipodome and Phenolics.

Contact us

If you want your analyses to be carried out by our Facility but do not know which approach will best fulfil your expectations, please contact the scientific or technical manager

If you already know which approach will answer your needs, please contact the appropriate contact person in the following list:

contact personEmail
Phenolic compounds and
High-throughput metabolic

Perform analyses with our Metabolome Facility

Following a first contact with the managers or another contact person, you will have to fill in and send us an analysis request. It will be accepted or not after a feasibility study, if needed. After acceptance, the analyses will be carried out either as a service or collaboration. In some cases, a research agreement is mandatory.
Since analyses are performed as batches, a time shift of several months can exist between your project acceptance and its completion.

Find us

Bordeaux Metabolome Facility
Centre INRAE Nouvelle-Aquitaine Bordeaux
IBVM CS20032
F-33140 Villenave d’Ornon

How to cite?

Research teams can thank the Bordeaux Metabolome platform, using this sentence in their publication:

This work was supported by the Bordeaux Metabolome Facility, the MetaboHUB (ANR-11-INBS-0010) project and the PHENOME (ANR-11-INBS-0012) project.

Where can I find the logos?

The platform logo can be found here

The MetaboHUB logo can be found here